Bata Italy: brand image and shopping experience. Le strategie di comunicazione integrata di Bata

Speaker:  Linda Porrino - Marketing Manager di Bata Italia
  Wednesday, May 9, 2018 at 11:30 AM
Mercoledì 9 maggio 2018, alle ore 11.30, la dottoressa Linda Porrino, Marketing Manager di Bata Italia, interverrà nell'ambito del corso di Corporate Communication, tenuto dalle professoresse Paola Castellani e Marina Berton.
L'incontro si svolgerà in aula SPD, presso il Silos di Ponente, Via Cantarane n. 24 - Verona.

With an experience of over 15 years in Marketing and Communication, Linda Porrino from 2017 covers the role of Bata Italy Marketing Manager, focusing her work on Brand Image, Shopping Experience and… Bringing the swagger to Bata.
Linda joined the Company in 2005 assuming different positions first in Bata Communication Department and then in AW LAB as Communication Manager for six years.
Now she leads a passionate and professional team and is in charge for all Communication, Visual Merchandising, Digital and CRM activities of Bata Italy.
She’s a Retail enthusiast, with a great passion for shoes, fashion and travels.

L'incontro è aperto liberamente a tutti gli interessati.


Programme Director
Paola Castellani

External reference
Publication date
May 7, 2018

